Lucky shrub
Project Design Process: Lucky Shrub Website
Discovery and Research
Conducted a comprehensive analysis of Lucky Shrub's existing website and user feedback.
Engaged in discussions with Jason and Maria to understand their goals, target audience, and vision for an improved online presence.
Define Project Goals
Established clear project goals, focusing on enhancing user engagement, improving the website's aesthetics, and boosting online orders and inquiries for landscaping services.
Wire framing and Prototyping
Created wireframes for both mobile and desktop versions, outlining key features such as the projects gallery, contact form, testimonials, services pages, blog, and footer redesign.
Prototyped the interactions to ensure a seamless user experience.
Projects Gallery Section
Designed and implemented the projects gallery section on the desktop version, showcasing the diverse and visually stunning projects completed by the Lucky Shrub team.
Contact Form Page
Developed a user-friendly contact form page to facilitate easy communication between users and the Lucky Shrub team.
Ensured a clean and accessible design, focusing on essential fields for inquiries.
Testimonials Redesign
Redesigned the testimonials section, incorporating horizontal swiping functionality for an engaging and modernised user experience.
Enhanced credibility and trust by showcasing positive client experiences.
Breadcrumb Navigation
Introduced a breadcrumb navigation system based on insights from user research, enhancing the overall website navigation and user experience.
Blog Page Development
Created a dynamic blog page to provide informative and engaging content for users interested in landscaping trends, tips, and news.
Monitored analytics to observe a significant 10% increase in website traffic.
Services Page and Image Showcase
Designed and developed the services page, providing a clear and structured overview of the landscaping services offered.
Created individual service pages with detailed project showcases and images to convey the quality of Lucky Shrub's work.
Footer Redesign
Redesigned the footer section, incorporating a bottom navigation menu, social media links, and essential contact information.
Facilitated increased orders and inquiries through improved visibility and accessibility.
Mobile App Enhancements
Redesigned the "Get a Quote" page in the mobile app, streamlining the process for users to provide project details and connect with the Lucky Shrub team.
Introduced interactive elements to the testimonials section and added a special orders section to engage users in a garden lovers' contest.
"Why Choose Us" Section
Built and designed the "Why Choose Us" section in Figma, infusing it with interactive elements to communicate the unique value proposition of Lucky Shrub.
User Testing and Iteration
Conducted user testing sessions to gather feedback on the redesigned features.
Iteratively refined the design based on user insights and preferences.
Launch and Monitoring
Launched the updated Lucky Shrub website and mobile app.
Continuously monitored user engagement, website traffic, and feedback to make further refinements as needed.
This holistic project design process aimed to transform the Lucky Shrub website and mobile app into a visually appealing, user-friendly, and strategically optimised platform for both landscaping enthusiasts and potential clients.
Lucky Shrub Project


Lucky Shrub Project
